IBM Cloud Docs
Creating an IPsec policy

Creating an IPsec policy

You can use custom IPsec policies to define security parameters to use during Phase 2 of IKE negotiation. In this phase, the VPN and peer device use the security association that is established during Phase 1 to negotiate what traffic to send and how to authenticate and encrypt that traffic.

Creating an IPsec policy in the UI

To create an IPsec policy by using the UI, follow these steps:

  1. From the VPNs for VPC list page, select the Site-to-site gateways > IPsec policies tabs.
  2. Click Create + and specify the following information:
    • Name - Enter a name for the IPsec policy.
    • Resource group - Select the resource group for this IPsec policy.
    • Region - Select the region for this IPsec policy.
    • Authentication - Authentication algorithm to use for IKE Phase 2.
    • Encryption - Encryption algorithm to use for IKE Phase 2.
    • Perfect Forward Secrecy - Enable PFS.
    • Diffie-Hellman Group (If PFS is enabled) - DH group to use for IKE Phase 2 key exchange.
    • Key lifetime - Lifetime in number of seconds of the Phase 2 tunnel.
  3. Click Create IPsec policy.
  4. From the VPN connection details page, set the IPsec policies field to use the wanted IPsec policy.

Creating an IPsec policy from the CLI

Before you begin, set up your CLI environment.

To create an IPsec policy from the CLI, enter the following command:

    [--key-lifetime KEY_LIFETIME]
    [--resource-group-id RESOURCE_GROUP_ID | --resource-group-name RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME]
    [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]


md-5 and sha-1 authentication algorithms, group_2 and group_5 DH groups, and the triple_des encryption algorithm were deprecated on 20 September 2022 and are no longer supported in the UI.

  • IPSEC_POLICY_NAME - Name of the IPsec policy.
  • AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM - The authentication algorithm. One of: sha256, sha384, sha512, disabled.
  • ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM - The encryption algorithm. One of: aes128, aes192, aes256, aes128gcm16, aes192gcm16, aes256gcm16.
  • PFS - The Diffie-Hellman group. One of: disabled, group_14, group_15, group_16, group_17, group_18, group_19, group_20, group_21, group_22, group_23, group_24, group_31.
  • --key-lifetime value - The key lifetime in seconds. Maximum: 86400, Minimum: 1800. The default value is 3600.
  • --resource-group-id value - ID of the resource group. This option is mutually exclusive with --resource-group-name.
  • --resource-group-name value - Name of the resource group. This option is mutually exclusive with --resource-group-id.
  • --output value - Specify output in JSON format.
  • -q, --quiet - Suppress verbose output.

The AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM must be disabled if and only if ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM is aes128gcm16, aes192gcm16, or aes256gcm16.

Command examples

  • Create an IPsec policy using SHA 256 authentication, AES 128 encryption, and PFS with DH Group 14: ibmcloud is ipsec-policy-create my-ipsec-policy sha256 aes128 group_14
  • Create an IPsec policy with the same parameters and a 3600-seconds lifetime: ibmcloud is ipsec-policy-create my-ipsec-policy sha256 aes128 group_14 --key-lifetime 3600
  • Create an IPsec policy with the same parameters and a resource group ID: ibmcloud is ipsec-policy-create my-ipsec-policy sha256 aes128 group_14 --resource-group-id fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345 --output JSON

Creating an IPsec policy with the API

To create an IPsec policy with the API, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your API environment with the right variables.

  2. Store any additional variables to be used in the API commands, for example:

    ResourceGroupId - Find the resource group ID by using the get resource groups command and then populate the variable:

    export ResourceGroupId=<your_resourcegroup_id>
  3. When all variables are initiated, create the IPsec policy:

       curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/ipsec_policies?version=$api_version&generation=2" \
         -H "Authorization: $iam_token" \
         -d '{
            "name": "my-new-ipsec-policy",
            "authentication_algorithm": "sha256",
            "encryption_algorithm": "aes128",
            "pfs": "group_14",
            "resource_group": {
              "id": "'$ResourceGroupId'"

Creating an IPsec policy by using Terraform

In the following example, you can create a IPsec policy using Terraform:

   resource "ibm_is_ipsec_policy" "is_ipsec_policy" {
     name                     = "my-ipsec-policy"
     authentication_algorithm = "sha256"
     encryption_algorithm     = "aes128"
     pfs                      = "group_14"

See the Terraform registry for more information.

Next steps