IBM Cloud Docs
Creating file shares with customer-managed encryption

Creating file shares with customer-managed encryption

By default, File Storage for VPC shares are encrypted with IBM-managed encryption. You can also create an envelop-encryption for your file shares by using one of the supported key management services to create or import your own root keys. You can't change the encryption type after the file share is created.

For more information, see Protecting data with envelope encryption.

Before you begin

To create file shares with customer-managed encryption, you must first provision a key management service (KMS), and create or import your customer root key (CRK). You can choose between Key Protect and Hyper Protect Crypto Services.

You must also create a service-to-service authorization between File Storage for VPC and the KMS instance that you created.

Creating file shares with customer-managed encryption in the UI

Follow this procedure to specify customer-managed encryption when you create a file share.

  1. In the IBM Cloud console, go to the menu icon menu icon > Infrastructure VPC icon > Storage > File Shares.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Enter the information that is described in the Table 1.

    Table 1. Values for creating a file share and mount target.
    Field Value
    Location Choose the geography, the region, and the zone where you want to create the file share.
    Name Choose a meaningful name for your file share. The share name can be up to 63 lowercase alpha-numeric characters and include the hyphen (-), and must begin with a lowercase letter. You can later edit the name later if you want.
    Resource Group Specify a Resource group. Resource groups help organize your account resources for access control and billing purposes.
    Tags Tags are used to organize, track, and even manage access to your file share resources. You can tag related resources and view them throughout your account by filtering by tags from your resource list. User tags are visible account-wide. Avoid including sensitive data in the tag name. For more information, see Working with tags.
    Access-management tags You can apply flexible access policies on your file shares with access-management tags. For more information, see Controlling access to resources by using tags.
    Profile New file shares are created with the dp2 profile. Select the size and IOPS for your file share. For more information, see file Storage profiles.
    Mount target access mode Select how you want to manage access to this file share:
    Security group: Access to the file share is based on security group rules. This option can be used to restrict access to specific virtual server instances. You can also use this option if you want to mount the file share to a virtual server instance in another zone. This option is recommended as you have more control over who can access the data that is stored on the file share. When, you choose this type of access, you can also specify the allowed transit encryption modes.
    Virtual private cloud: Access to the file share is granted to any virtual server instance in the same region. Cross-zone mounting and encryption in transit are not supported.
    Allowed transit encryption modes As the share owner, you can specify how you want clients within your account and authorized accounts to connect to your file share. You can select none if you do not want them to use encryption in transit, and user-managed if you want them to use encryption in transit. If you select both, then the transit encryption type of the first mount target decides the transit encryption types of all future mount targets within the account.
  4. The creation of mount targets is optional. You can skip this step if you do not want to create a mount target now. Otherwise, click Create. You can create one mount target per VPC per file share.

    • If you selected security group as the access mode, enter the information as described in the Table 2. This action creates and attaches a virtual network interface to your mount target that identifies the file share with a reserved IP address and applies the rules of the selected Security group.

      Table 2. Values for creating a mount target.
      Field Value
      Mount target name Specify a mount target name. The name can be up to 63 lowercase alpha-numeric characters and include the hyphen (-), and must begin with a lowercase letter. You can later edit the name if you want.
      Zone Zone is inherited from the file share (for example, Dallas 2).
      VPC Select an available VPC. The list includes only those VPCs with a subnet in the selected zone.
      Subnet Select a subnet from the list.
      Reserved IP address Required for the mount target. The IP address cannot be changed afterward. However, you can delete the mount target and create another one with a different IP address.
      Reserving method You can have the file service select an IP address for you. The reserved IP becomes visible after the mount target is created. Or, specify your own IP.
      Auto-release Releases the IP address when you delete the mount target. Enabled by default.
      Security groups The security group for the VPC is selected by default, or select from the list. The security groups that you associate with a mount target must allow inbound access for the TCP protocol on the NFS port from all virtual server instances on which you want to mount the file share.
      Encryption in transit Disabled by default, click the toggle to enable. For more information about this feature, see Encryption in transit - Securing mount connections between file share and host.
    • If you selected VPC as the access mode, provide a name for the mount target and select the VPC where the file share is to be used in.

  5. Update the fields in the Encryption section.By default, all file shares are encrypted by IBM-managed keys. You can also choose to create an envelop-encryption for your shares with your own keys. If you want to use your own keys, select one of the key management services.

    Table 3. Values for customer-managed encryption for file shares.
    Field Value
    Encryption To use customer-managed encryption, select either Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services. The key management service (KMS) instance includes the root key that is imported to or created in that KMS instance.
    Encryption service instance If you provisioned multiple KMS instances in your account, select the one that includes the root key that you want to use for customer-managed encryption.
    Key name Select the root key within the KMS instance that you want to use for encrypting the share.
    Key ID The field shows the key ID that is associated with the data encryption key that you selected.
  6. When all the required information is entered, click Create file share. You return to the File Storage for VPC page, where a message indicates that the file share is provisioning. When the transaction completes, the share status changes to Active.

If you created your Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services instance by using a private endpoint, root keys that were created by using that instance are not shown in the UI. You must use the CLI or API to access and use those root keys.

Creating file shares with customer-managed encryption from the CLI

Before you can use the CLI, you must install the IBM Cloud CLI and the VPC CLI plug-in. For more information, see the CLI prerequisites.

  1. Gather the information that you need for provisioning a share, such as a unique name, location, the capacity, and performance characteristics that your file share must have. If you're creating a mount target with a virtual network interface, use the appropriate CLI commands to list the available subnets, reserved IP addresses in a subnet, and security groups. For more information, see Gathering information from the CLI.

  2. For the encryption, retrieve the ID of your key management service and the CRN of the root key in that service.

    1. List the available KMS instances with the ibmcloud resource service-instances command.
      $ ibmcloud resource service-instances
      Retrieving instances with type service_instance in all resource groups in all locations under account Test Account as 
      Name             Location   State    Type               Resource Group ID
      KeyProtect-ki    us-south   active   service_instance   db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e
      schematics       us-south   active   service_instance   db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e
    2. Use the ibmcloud resource service-instance command to get the instance ID. The ID is the last string in the CRN after the account number.
      $ ibmcloud resource service-instance KeyProtect-ki -location us-south --id
      Retrieving service instance KeyProtect-ki in all resource groups under account Test Account as
      crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567:: 22e573bd-c02c-4d7f-81e2-2aa867da176d
    3. Use the ID in the ibmcloud kp keys command to retrieve the key information.
      $ ibmcloud kp keys -c --instance-id 22e573bd-c02c-4d7f-81e2-2aa867da176d
      Targeting endpoint:
      Retrieving keys...
      Key ID                                 Key Name      CRN   
      2fb8d675-bde3-4780-b127-3d0b413631c1   my-file-key   crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567:22e573bd-c02c-4d7f-81e2-2aa867da176d:key:2fb8d675-bde3-4780-b127-3d0b413631c1
  3. Specify the ibmcloud is share-create command with the --encryption-key option to create a file share with customer-managed encryption. The encryption_key option must be followed by a valid CRN for the root key in the key management service. If you want to enable encryption in transit, too, specify that in the mount target JSON. The security groups that you associate with a mount target must allow inbound access for the TCP protocol on the NFS port from all virtual server instances on which you want to mount the file share.

    • The following example creates a file share with customer-managed encryption, security group access mode, and a mount target with a virtual network interface. Encryption in transit is not enabled.
      $ ibmcloud is share-create --name my-encrypted-file-share --zone us-south-2 --profile dp2 --size 500 --iops 2000  --user-tags env:dev --encryption_key crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567:key:2fb8d675-bde3-4780-b127-3d0b413631c1 --mount-targets '[{"name":"my-new-mount-target","virtual_network_interface": {"name":"my-vni-2","subnet": {"id":"r006-298acd6c-e71e-4204-a04f-fe4a4dd89805"},"security_groups":[{"id":"r006-7f369ca2-ca49-4053-b007-5cab79b9873b"}]}}]'
      Creating file share my-encrypted-file-share under account Test Account as user
      ID                           r006-d44298fe-aced-4f55-a690-8a3830e9fd90   
      Name                         my-encrypted-file-share   
      CRN                          crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/a1234567::share:r006-d44298fe-aced-4f55-a690-8a3830e9fd90   
      Lifecycle state              pending   
      Access control mode          security_group   
      Zone                         us-south-2   
      Profile                      dp2   
      Size(GB)                     500   
      IOPS                         2000   
      User Tags                    env:dev   
      Encryption                   user_managed   
      Mount Targets                ID                                          Name      
                                   r006-00432317-436e-4940-ab7d-8b26c186b00f   my-new-mount-target      
      Resource group               ID                                 Name      
                                   db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e   Default      
      Created                      2023-10-19T21:16:27+00:00   
      Encryption key               crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567:key:2fb8d675-bde3-4780-b127-3d0b413631c1   
      Replication role             none   
      Replication status           none   
      Replication status reasons   Status code   Status message      
                                   -             -  
      $ ibmcloud is share-mount-targets my-encrypted-file-share 
      Listing share mount target of my-encrypted-file-share in all resource groups and region us-south under account Test Account as user
      ID                                          Name                  VPC      Lifecycle state   Transit Encryption   
      r006-00432317-436e-4940-ab7d-8b26c186b00f   my-new-mount-target   my-vpc   stable            none 
    • The following example creates a file share with customer-managed encryption, security group access mode, and a mount target with a virtual network interface, and encryption-in-transit enabled.
      $ ibmcloud is share-create --name my-encrypted-eit-file-share --zone us-south-2 --profile dp2 --size 500 --iops 2000  --user-tags env:dev --encryption_key crn:v1:bluemix:public::kms:us-south:a/a1234567:key:2fb8d675-bde3-4780-b127-3d0b413631c1 --mount-targets '[{"name":"my-new-mount-target","transit_encryption": "user_managed","virtual_network_interface": {"name":"my-vni-3","subnet": {"id":"r006-298acd6c-e71e-4204-a04f-fe4a4dd89805"},"security_groups":[{"id":"r006-7f369ca2-ca49-4053-b007-5cab79b9873b"}]}}]'
      Creating file share my-encrypted-eit-file-share under account Test Account as user
      ID                           r006-f6bf049e-f46c-4160-b548-4a36d27256ac   
      Name                         my-encrypted-eit-file-share   
      CRN                          crn:v1:bluemix:public::is:us-south-2:a/a1234567::share:r006-f6bf049e-f46c-4160-b548-4a36d27256ac   
      Lifecycle state              pending   
      Access control mode          security_group   
      Zone                         us-south-2   
      Profile                      dp2   
      Size(GB)                     500   
      IOPS                         2000   
      User Tags                    env:dev   
      Encryption                   user_managed   
      Mount Targets                ID                                          Name      
                                   r006-e6bd52b8-c656-4ba6-8749-1bb41bfa2c3c   my-new-mount-target      
      Resource group               ID                                 Name      
                                   db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e   Default      
      Created                      2023-10-20T03:05:38+00:00   
      Encryption key               crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567-c02c-4d7f-81e2-2aa867da176d:key:2fb8d675-bde3-4780-b127-3d0b413631c1   
      Replication role             none   
      Replication status           none   
      Replication status reasons   Status code   Status message      
                                   -             -      
      $ ibmcloud is share-mount-targets my-encrypted-eit-file-share 
      Listing share mount target of my-encrypted-eit-file-share in all resource groups and region us-south under account Test Account as user
      ID                                          Name                  VPC      Lifecycle state   Transit Encryption   
      r006-e6bd52b8-c656-4ba6-8749-1bb41bfa2c3c   my-new-mount-target   my-vpc   stable            user_managed  

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share-create.

Creating file shares with customer-managed encryption with the API

You can create file shares with customer-managed encryption by calling the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) API.

Make a POST /shares request and specify the encryption_key parameter to identify your customer root key (CRK). It is shown in the example as crn:[...key:...].

You can also specify the CRN of a root key from a different account in the POST /shares call. For more information, see About cross-account key access and use.

You must provide the generation parameter and specify generation=2. For more information, see Generation in the Virtual Private Cloud API reference.

The following example creates a file share with a mount target, and specifies the CRN of the root key for customer-managed encryption.

curl -X POST \
"$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/shares?version=2023-08-08&generation=2" -H "Authorization: $iam_token" \
-d '{
     "encryption_key": {"crn":"crn:[...key:...]"},
     "iops": 1000,
     "name": "my-encrypted-share",
     "profile": {"name": "tier-5iops"},
     "resource_group": {"id": "678523bcbe2b4eada913d32640909956"},
     "size": 100,
     "mount_targets": [{
         "name": "my-share-target",
         "subnet": {"id": "7ec86020-1c6e-4889-b3f0-a15f2e50f87e"}
     "zone": {"name": "us-south-2"}

A successful response looks like the following example.

  "created_at": "2023-08-08T22:58:49.000Z",
  "crn": "crn:[...]",
  "encryption": "customer_managed",
  "encryption_key": {"crn": "crn:[...key:...]"},
  "href": "",
  "id": "a0c07083-f411-446c-9316-7b08d6448c86",
  "iops": 1000,
  "lifecycle_state": "pending",
  "name": "my-encrypted-share",
  "profile": {
    "href": "",
    "name": "tier-5iops",
    "resource_type": "share_profile"
  "resource_group": {
    "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "href": "",
    "id": "678523bcbe2b4eada913d32640909956",
    "name": "Default"
  "resource_type": "share",
  "size": 100,
  "mount_targets": [
      "href": "   1b5571cb-536d-48d0-8452-81c05c6f7b80",
      "id": "1b5571cb-536d-48d0-8452-81c05c6f7b80",
      "name": "my-share-target",
      "resource_type": "share_target",
      "vpc": {
        "crn": "crn:[...]",
        "href": "",
        "id": "12bb28fc-856d-4902-813b-dc065d1ed084",
        "name": "my-vpc",
        "resource_type": "vpc"
  "zone": {
    "href": "",
    "name": "us-south-2"

Creating file shares with customer-managed encryption with Terraform

To create a file share, use the ibm_is_share resource. The following example creates a share with 800 GiB capacity and the dp2 performance profile. The file share is encrypted by using a key that is identified by its CRN. The example also specifies a new mount target with a virtual network interface.

resource "ibm_is_share" "share4" {
   zone           = "us-south-2"
   size           = "800"
   name           = "my-share4"
   profile        = "dp2"
   encryption_key = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567:key:2fb8d675-bde3-4780-b127-3d0b413631c1"
   access_control_mode = "security_group"
   mount_target {
       name = "target"
       virtual_network_interface {
       primary_ip {
               address =
               auto_delete = true
               name = "<reserved_ip_name>
      resource_group = <resource_group_id>
      security_groups = [<security_group_ids>]

For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_share.

Next steps